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World Spay/ Neuter Day - Get In The Know

Did you know that February 28th marks World Spay and Neuter Day across the globe? Held on the last Tuesday of February each year, Word Spay Day aims to advocate and educate pet owners on spaying, or neutering. But what exactly is neutering, what are the benefits, and how could it help your pet? This blog explores.

What is Neutering?

Neutering is a term used to describe the surgical procedure that prevents pets from reproducing. Whilst the term neutering can be applied to both genders, castration is generally used to describe the ‘desexing’ of a male animal, whereas a ‘spay’ or ‘hysterectomy’ is used to define the surgical removal of the ovaries and uterus in a female pet.

What are the Benefits?

According to new research from the University of Georgia, U.S., having the procedure may actually extend your pet’s life.

For females, neutering can significantly reduce the risk of reproductive organ cancers such as ovarian cancer. It can also decrease breast cancer and eliminate the chance of them developing pyometra - a serious and potentially fatal womb infection.

Similarly, neutering a male animal can prevent and reduce the risk of both pancreatic cancer and prostatic disease. It also eliminates the chances of them developing testicular cancer or non-cancerous testicular tumours.

Neutering can also help avoid antisocial behaviour. Males that are neutered are less likely to be dominating and aggressive to other animals or people. Similarly, females that are neutered are less likely to have phantom pregnancies (a condition that causes a dog to act and feel pregnant when they aren’t) and the stress that comes alongside seasons.

However, the biggest benefit of neutering has to be the reduction of unwanted litters. Preventing unwanted pregnancies helps take pressure off overcrowded shelters, and helps authorities avoid the wrenching decision to euthanize unwanted animals.

When to Neuter Your Pet?

For cats, it's recommended that they are neutered at around four to six months old after completing their primary vaccinations.

Whereas, for dogs, neutering is more determined by the size and breed of the animal. Castration can be carried out from six to nine months (larger breeds may require more time to grow). Whilst the best time to neuter a bitch can vary and should be determined by your veterinarian.

At Roundwood vets, we will be able to advise you best on when to neuter your pet.

To book your pet in for a neuter, contact us on 020 8459 4729 today.


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