Please use the form below to order your repeat prescriptions and any products or food you need from us. One pet per form (ie if you are ordering meds for two different pets, please complete the form once and submit your answers for one pet, then do the same for the second pet.
Once your order has been placed, our reception team will review it and contact you for payment prior to placing your order.
If you require a prescription controlled medication then you may be asked to attend the practice for assessment with one of our vets.
In all cases, payment will be required prior to medications or products being ordered.
Some items may be sent in the mail to avoid you having to visit the practice. Our customer service team member will advise you on the next steps when they contact you.

Call 020 8459 4729 if you get stuck.
By using this online service you help us to keep our phone lines free for calls that need face to face conversations.
But if you do get stuck, please just give us a call. We're here to help.